
HOME News BELLSYSTEM24 and Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture collabor...
2024.07.31 BELLSYSTEM24

BELLSYSTEM24 and Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture collaborate to launch a demonstration experiment for handling inquiries to the Environmental Center Effect verification to improve convenience for residents and staff work efficiency

BELLSYSTEM24, Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President, CEO: Hiroshi Kajiwara; hereinafter "the Company") has concluded an agreement with Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture to conduct a "Call Center Demonstration Experiment for Telephone Response Services," thus launching a demonstration experiment for handling telephone inquiries from residents and others with the aim of verifying its effects on improving convenience for residents and staff work efficiency.
During the period from July to the end of September 2024, BELLSYSTEM24's call center handles inquiries to the Environmental Center (Imaizumi Clean Center) in Kamakura City.*

* For details about the demonstration experiment, please refer to the press release from Kamakura City.

BELLSYSTEM24 Logo / Kamakura City emblem

■ Background

Kamakura City was considering introducing a "call center" run by an external company to handle telephone inquiries from residents and others as a way to improve resident services and staff work efficiency.
Amid this, the Environmental Center, which receives the most inquiries from residents among the contact points at Kamakura City, primarily about separation and disposal of household waste, recycling, and so forth, was facing an increasingly heavy staff workload as there are few information sites on garbage sorting and disposal methods in each area, and many telephone users who make advance reservations to have bulky waste collected.
Aiming to solve these issues, we are jointly conducting a demonstration experiment to visualize the issues through data collection and analysis for a better understanding of the current situation, such as tendencies in the incoming calls to the Environmental Center.

■ Outline of the demonstration experiment at the Environmental Center

  • Duration: July 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024 (planned)
  • Hours: 8:15 am to 5:00 pm (Monday through Friday (including holidays))
  • Details of work:
    1. Creating the call center: Writing task manuals, talk scripts, and such based on current inquiry information and various data
    2. Implementing the demonstration experiment: Responding to telephone inquiries from residents and others, collecting and analyzing various data
    3. Effects measurement: Collecting and analyzing data such as the number of responses, the primary solution rate, and the number of transfers to the City (contents)
    4. Proposal: Based on the verification results, making proposals to help improve resident services and staff work efficiency for telephone response services

■ Future outlook

Based on the results of this effect verification, we will improve the operation of the call center, accumulate and analyze the contents and frequency of inquiries as knowledge, develop Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for residents, and develop proposals that combine improvements of staff work efficiency and convenience for residents, for example by creating and operating system to centralize inquiries for all municipal offices using multiple channels such as e-mail and chat as well as telephone.


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In 1982, BELLSYSTEM24 launched its first full-fledged call center service in Japan. Since then, we have developed a wide range of outsourcing businesses centered on contact centers that serve as points of contact between businesses and consumers, creating an industry-standard model. Based on the operational expertise we have cultivated by combining the strengths of "people" and "technology," we will realize our "sustain the prosperity of society, through innovation and communication," which is our purpose, by developing and providing various solutions.

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Media contact

Public Relations Office, BELLSYSTEM24 HOLDINGS, INC.
E-mail: / TEL: 03-6896-6199

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