We state the following in our Sustainability Policy: "We comply with the laws/ordinances in each country and respect international norms. We strive to understand the cultures, traditions and customs in each country and region around the world. We then engage in fair and sincere corporate activities."
We published the BellSystem24 Group Code of Conduct in 2012. This serves as a code of ethics summarizing specific actions from a perspective of compliance to realize our purpose. We distribute this code in booklet form to all our officers and employees including contractors and temporary employees. Together with this, we have introduced code of conduct training and compliance training as mandatory programs for all our employees (including contractors and temporary employees). We are also focusing on realizing the code at the contact center level through these initiatives.
Moreover, we have established an organization for cases when laws/ordinances or the code of conduct have been violated. Our officers and employees can make a report using an internal point of contact in our whistleblower system and grievance reporting system or using an external point of contact we have established in a law firm outside of our company. We are also focusing on ensuring the employees in our company are aware of our whistleblower system and grievance reporting system.
The range of concepts covered by compliance in recent years is not limited to simply compliance with laws/ordinances; it is also widely applicable to the rules and promises, common sense, decency, morality and even ethics of companies as a conduct risk. We make no compromises when it comes to compliance. We continuously work on compliance with it serving as our top management priority.
Our group shall comply with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws/ordinances in all the countries and regions which apply to us.
Our group and our officers and employees shall never provide unfair advantages either directly or indirectly to public officers.
Our group and our officers and employees shall not provide unfair advantages to public officers through consultants or other third parties.
Our group shall accurately record account books based on the facts and appropriately manage the related forms to comply with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws/ordinances in all countries and regions. Our group shall conduct an audit as appropriate on all operations with this policy. We shall audit this policy periodically.
If any of our group's officers or employees violates this policy, we shall appropriately and promptly punish them in accordance with our internal rules.