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1.Policy and Basic Concept

Sustainability Policy

We have defined our purpose to be to "sustain the prosperity of society, through innovation and communication" as the reason for our existence. Based on this purpose, we will support the realization of a sustainable society through contributing to human rights, the global environment and social issues as one of our important management objectives. We have established this policy based on our purpose and the code of conduct.

1. Identification of Material Issues and Contribution to Social Issues

We define material issues not just simply to improve our corporate value but also to realize the sustainable growth of society at the same time as a member of society. We contribute to solving social issues by returning the value we create to society.

2. Role of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors oversees sustainability initiatives with the aim of improving our medium- to long-term corporate value and realizing a sustainable society. The Board of Directors determines important sustainability matters after they are referred to it for deliberation or reported to it by the Sustainability Promotion Committee.

3. Communicating and Building a Relationship of Trust with Society

We recognize important social issues through two-way communication with various stakeholders. We consider solutions and implement them responsibly while thoroughly disclosing and expanding related information. Such efforts allow us to continue building and improving our relationship of trust with society.

4. Strengthening the Sustainability of Our Business Network

We promote sustainable business activities by preventing and continuing to give consideration to problems with respect to various issues. Those issues include conservation of the global environment; mitigation and adaptation to climate change; resource recycling; protection of biodiversity and ecosystems; and basic human and labor rights.
We take into consideration the environment, respect human rights and to pay attention to occupational health and safety in the business network over our entire group. We are aiming to build a sustainable network by seeking the understanding and implementation of our group's approach to sustainability from all our business and business partners.
We comply with the laws/ordinances in each country and respect international norms. We strive to understand the cultures, traditions and customs in each country and region around the world. We then engage in fair and sincere corporate activities.

5. Education and Awareness of Employees

We build diverse workplaces where our employees can work with peace of mind, good health and can work as themselves. At the same time, we engage in education and enlightenment activities to foster awareness to promote sustainability as a member of society and the local community. Each of our employees undertakes their roles and targets which have been defined based on our purpose and this policy as their duties.

Hiroshi Kajiwara,
CEO and Representative Director
Enacted in April 2023

2.Sustainability Risk Governance

  • We launched the Sustainability Promotion Committee as an advisory body to the Board of Directors and appointed a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) in June 2022. At the same time, we launched the Sustainability Promotion Division (formerly the CSR Promotion Division) as a permanent body dedicated to promoting sustainability under the CSO. Moreover, we established our Sustainability Policy in April 2023.
    We will build a promotion organization which can realize the corporate philosophy (now: "purpose") we enacted in 2019 to "sustain the prosperity of society, through innovation and communication" by closely linking risk management relating to sustainability with company-wide risk management. We will then give back to society the various forms of value we produce.
    • We have appointed a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). We have placed the Sustainability Promotion Division as a dedicated permanent organization under the CSO. It continuously analyzes sustainability risks, formulates and implements measures, and manages the effects.
    • The Sustainability Promotion Committee discusses sustainability risks at least once a year. It then reports them together with the overall risks to the Board of Directors chaired by the Representative Director. The Board of Directors comprehensively grasps company-wide risks, determines their level of importance and then reflects them in our medium- to long-term road map. Together with that, it oversees the implementation of the measures.
    • Organization chart
      Organization chart

    FY2023 Sustainability Promotion Committee

    Chair: President, CEO
    Members: Executive Vice President, Human Resource & Development
    and Legal & Compliance;
    Corporate Officer SVP, Corporate Planning;
    Corporate Officer SVP in Charge of Sustainability Promotion, CIO, CTO, CSO, CRO;
    Corporate Officer in Charge of Financial Supervision & General Affairs, CFO;
    Corporate Auditor
    Main agenda items
    • Executive Performance-Linked Stock Compensation (Climate Change)
    • Human Rights Due Diligence Issues
    • Support for eliminating social inequality
    • Environment reports (E)
    • Society and personnel reports (S)
    • Governance reports (G)

    FY2022 Sustainability Promotion Committee

    Chair: President, CEO
    Members: Executive Vice President, Human Resource & Development
    and Legal & Compliance;
    Corporate Officer SVP, Corporate Planning;
    Corporate Officer in Charge of Sustainability Promotion: CIO, CTO, CSO;
    Corporate Officer in Charge of Financial Supervision & General Affairs, CFO;
    Corporate Auditor
    Main agenda items
    • Formulation of the Sustainability Policy
    • Revision of the Code of Conduct
    • Revision of the CSR Policy
    • Formulation of the Basic Sustainability Investment Policy
    • Environment reports (E)
    • Society and personnel reports (S)
    • Governance reports (G)