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Occupational Health and Safety & Health Management

1. Policy and Basic Concept

  • We define material issues as the critical issues that we share with society. Diversity of human resources and work styles is the most important one. Next most important is improving the performance of human resources (quality and productivity).
  • We believe that each one of our diverse employees displaying their abilities to the maximum possible extent will lead to a continuous improvement in our corporate value. Based on that idea, we are working to develop an environment in which all our employees can concentrate on their duties with peace of mind.
  • We comply with laws, ordinances and other requirements relating to occupational health and safety. We are raising employees' awareness of health and safety by providing them with education and training.

Declaration of Health and Productivity Management

代表取締役 社長執行役員 CEO 野田 俊介
Hiroshi Kajiwara,
President, CEO and Representative Director

Improving the performance of our employees is essential to realize our purpose to "sustain the prosperity of society, through innovation and communication."

We believe it is important to ensure our employees maintain and improve their mental and physical health and to establish a suitable working environment so that they can perform at their best.

We are aiming to improve our corporate value by creating workplaces where employee can work healthily with peace of mind and by increasing their job satisfaction through health and productivity management.

2. Organization and Systems

We have appointed a Director in Charge of Human Resource Development and established a Human Resource & Development Division under the command of that Director. The division comprehensively plans, designs and builds occupational health and safety.

Occupational Health and Safety Promotion Organization

  • We have established the Labor Management Group as a permanent department dedicated to occupational health and safety. The group is proactively promoting initiatives focused on the working environment of employees.
  • We have enacted the Health and Safety Management Regulations and established the Safety Committee under the command of the Labor Management Group. The committee oversees health and safety personnel across Japan. It meets once a month.
  • The Safety Committee promotes various initiatives to improve the working environment. Those initiatives include the following themes.
    • Understanding and improvement of the working environment
    • Management of long working hours and the introduction of measures against long working hours
    • Physical examinations and other forms of health management
    • Measures for mental health (operation of a counselling room and stress checks, etc.)
    • Prevention of occupational accidents
    • Other (promotion of the take-up of vacations etc.)

Health and Productivity Management Promotion Organization

  • We have established the Diversity Promotion Group as a permanent dedicated department for health and productivity management. The group proactively works with a focus on maintaining and improving employees' health.
  • We have set up the Health and Productivity Management Promotion Team under the Diversity Promotion Group. The team promotes various initiatives.
    • Promotion of health and productivity management through internal networking activities
    • Women's health support
    • Improvement in health literacy
    • Promotion of physical health
    • Lifestyle disease prevention measures
    • Others (promotion of diverse working styles)
      Health and Productivity Management Promotion Organization

3. Initiatives

Occupational Health and Safety in the Supply Chain

  • We have enacted our Human Rights Policy. We stipulate that we encourage all business partners and individual customers with whom we do business in our supply chain to respect human rights in that policy. We are promoting various initiatives to improve the working environment including those concerning health and safety.
  • We are mainly engaged in call center operations. Therefore, partner employment agencies and facility operating companies are equivalent to our supply chain. We communicate our policies when engaging in business with those companies. We then review our business partners before engaging in business with them. In addition, we employ a business model in which the employees of partner employment agencies work in our call centers. Accordingly, we enact rules for business and utilize our whistleblower system/grievance reporting system with a high sense of ethics for health and safety, human rights and corruption prevention.

Counselling Room

  • We operate a counselling room as a mental health initiative. We have set up a point of contact where employees can feel free to talk about their work worries and stress. An external third-party organization which complies with a code of ethics operates that point of contact.

Labor Problems

  • We have introduced a Labor Counselling and Report Sheet and established a counseling room for labor problems. We have also set up internal and external (lawyer) points of contact based on our whistleblower system/grievance reporting system and established a mechanism to widely pick up and deal with grievances. These measures allow us to reliably provide help and to respond to those grievances.

Health Management Initiatives

  • Our Board of Directors is committed to promoting health management according to our Diversity and Inclusion Policy. We stipulate the following in this policy: "We will promote the maintenance and improvement of mental and physical health. We believe that promoting the health of employees is the foundation to diverse workstyles of diverse human resources. We will proactively promote health management." Based on this policy, we are promoting various initiatives.
  • We comply the Industrial Safety and Health Act, Health Promotion Act and other related laws/ordinances. We are steadily striving to promote periodic health checkups and stress checks. In particular, we established a review team with participation by employees to raise awareness of mental health and productivity management on a group-wide basis.
  • We periodically survey employee satisfaction with our health and productivity management measures.
  • We have developed the Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map. The map organizes the management issues to be addressed in terms of health and productivity management and the connections between those initiatives and their effects.

    Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map

    Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map
    • *1:This is when an employee is unable to work because of absence, lateness, leaving early or long-term leave due to poor physical health.
    • *2:Labor productivity loss ratio. This is when an employee is able to come to work but is unable to perform at full capacity due to health problems (max: 0 / min: 100).

4. Data

Occupational Health and Safety in Our Supply Chain

  • Number of Occupational Accidents and Fatal Accidents
    Number of Occupational Accidents Number of Fatal Accidents
    FY2023 8 0
    FY2022 21 0
    FY2021 28 0
    * Number of Occupational Accidents of 4 days or more, including contract employees Excludes occupational accident claims for mental illness due to psychological stress.
  • Occupational Accident Frequency Rate
    Occupational Accident Frequency rate
    FY2023 0.32
    FY2022 0.56
    FY2021 0.66
    * Occupational accident frequency rate is calculated by dividing the number of occupational accidents one day or more, including contract employees, by the total number of hours worked x 1,000,000.
    * This rate is disclosed on a consolidated basis excluding BELLSYSTEM24 Vietnam.
  • Total Number of Participants in Health and Safety-related Training
    Training FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
    Health and Safety Training - - 1,076
    Labor Management Training 319 1,129 3,609
    Labor Management Support Training - 460 156
    Crisis Management Training 452 273 -
    Labor Management Training for the Recruitment Department - 29 80
    Working Women and Health Issues - 162 407
    Total 771 2,053 5,328
    * We reorganized the Crisis Management Training and renamed it Health and Safety Training
  • Number of Participants in Mental Health-related Training
    Training / Seminar FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
    MentalHealth Seminar 360 - -
    Well-being Seminar - 203 -
    Women's Health and Well-being Lecture - - 69
    Mental Health Workshop - - 176
    MentalHealth Advisor - 18 3
    Highly Sensitive Person - 24 -
    HarassmentTraining for Managers 463 424 329
    Let's Understand LGBT 452 303 98
    The training program "SOGI Harassment" - 63 23
    Male and Female Brains and Behavioral Characteristics 420 35 -
    Total 1,695 1,070 698
  • Data on the Effect of Health Investment
    Indicator FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
    Absenteeism (injury and sickness absence rate)*1 (%) 1.14 1.16 1.52
    Presenteeism (labor productivity loss ratio)*2 (%) - 20 16.2
    Work engagement*3 BB BB BB
    Annual paid leave take-up rate (%) 89.5 91.3 95.2
    Average overtime hours 12.8 13.2 11.6
    Periodic health checkup participation rate (%) 68.5 75.8 80.3
    Employee satisfaction with health management measures (%) - 43.8 51.2
    • *1 This is when an employee is unable to work because of absence, lateness, leaving early or long-term leave due to poor physical health.
    • *2 This is when an employee is able to come to work but is unable to perform at full capacity due to health problems (max: 0 / min: 100).
    • *3 Ratings based on a survey conducted by an outsourcing research firm.

5. Evaluation by Society

Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program

The Certified Health & Productivity

The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program honors large enterprises and SMEs which are practicing particularly outstanding health and productivity management based on initiatives in line with local health issues and health promotion initiatives being advanced by the NIPPON KENKO KAIGI. We have been recognized as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2024 in the Large Enterprise Category.

Sports Yell Company

Sports Yell Company

The Sports Yell Company program is a system in which the Japan Sports Agency certifies companies actively promoting measures to improve employees' health through sport. We were certified by this system for the first time in 2024.