BELLSYSTEM24 Group is a corporate group that offers the business value of "looking after part of the value chain of the client company and adding value to it, thereby activating the entire value chain."
BELLSYSTEM 24, Inc. is the core of creative leading company in contact center outsourcing market. BB call, Inc. created business foundation of contact center with major carve out and produced high performance with committed quality improvement (Taken over by BELLSYSTEM 24, Inc. on September 1, 2015). BI Medical, Inc. showed business value on the pharmaceutical development and sales marketing field (Taken over by BELLSYSTEM 24, Inc. on November 1, 2019). We all achieve evolution and diversification.
The BELLSYSTEM24 Group operates under BELLSYSTEM24 Holdings, a pure holding company. It leads the operating companies in the Group, including BELLSYSTEM 24, Inc., in promoting the strategies of the overall Group in pursuit of maximum synergy between businesses. Group companies meet customer expectations by making decisions flexibly and promptly.
Providing contact center outsourcing, contact center solutions, onsulting services, worker dispatching services, CRO services, and more.
Providing management of customer centers for the multi-channel pay TV service 'SKY PerfecTV!' and other companies, along with consulting and training services related to customer center operations.
Uses technical strengths as an internationally certified HDI support center to provide technical help desk and a range of other services, including BPO services, manual creation, and education and training.
Fusing the resources of TOPPAN and BELLSYSTEM24 to provide next-generation BPO services for supporting the promotion of DX at various companies.
A one-stop provider for consulting to BPO services in the HR and accounting fields.
Supports the promotion and success of digital transformation (DX) in marketing for clients through data marketing which utilizes AI solutions developed in-house.
Special subsidiary aimed at increasing employment of human resources with disabilities, this company actively provides employment opportunities to people with disabilities.
Outsourcing and consulting services relating to CRM solutions, as well as off-shore services for Japan, etc
Outsourcing and consulting services relating to CRM solutions, EC construction/EC management agency/Advertisement and Promotion/SNS marketing/Offline and direct promotionas, etc
Contact center operation, hardware and equipment procurement and setup, facility rental, education and training, mobile call recording service.