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Employment and Employee Welfare

1. Policy and Basic Concept

  • We have established "diversity of human resources and work styles" as the most critical theme in our material issues. More than 30,000 diverse people have supported our business so far. We are building diverse workplaces where our employees can work with peace of mind, good health and can work as themselves and are striving to ensure our human resources can demonstrate their abilities to the maximum possible extent. We are creating that environment by reforming diversifying workstyles (fully flexible work system with no core time and mobile work system, etc.), developing various systems (support for work-life balance etc.), and enhancing employee welfare.
  • Thorough compliance with labor laws and standards:
    • We have enacted our Human Rights Policy. We respect the ILO's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We comply with its four core labor standards: freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced labor; the abolition of child labor; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
    • We comply with the laws and regulations for all our business activities in the countries and regions where we conduct them including our supply chains in Japan and overseas. If there is a contradiction between internationally recognized human rights and the laws/ordinances in those countries and regions, we seek a way to pay the maximum respect for international human rights principles.
    • We prohibit all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking. We promote policies and initiatives to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring. We participate in the United Nations Global Compact. We also conduct human rights due diligence based on the concept of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We then reflect the results of that due diligence into our business activities.
    • We ensure an appropriate working environment free from long working hours and forced labor and prohibit all forms of harassment. The aim of those measures is to build diverse workplaces where our employees can work with peace of mind, good health and can work as themselves. We pay appropriate wages above the minimum wage on a fair basis. Together with this, we maintain the principle of equal pay for equal work.
    • We comply with the Labor Standards Act and the Industrial Safety and Health Act. We have enacted the group-wide Health and Safety Policy and are focusing on the prevention of occupational accidents and the promotion of health as specific measures to ensure compliance with those laws. This policy covers all our employees including contract employees and temporary employees. We are aiming to improve the environment for all our employees with this policy.
    • We conduct annual health checkups and stress checks based on laws/ordinances and have introduced mandatory health and safety training. We undertake information campaigns to raise the awareness of our employees including contact employees and temporary employees.
    • We have introduced a Labor Counselling and Report Sheet and have established a counseling room for labor problems. We have also set up internal and external (lawyer) points of contact based on our whistleblower system/grievance reporting system and have established a mechanism to widely pick up and deal with grievances. These measures allow us to soundly provide help and to respond to those grievances. Contract employees, temporary employees, short-term employees, former employees and permanent contractor employees can use these systems.
    • We apply these policies group-wide. We also ask our contractors involved in all of our business activities and transactions to understand and comply with these policies. In addition, at the time of recruitment and contract renewal at domestic and overseas locations, working conditions such as work rules and terms and conditions of employment, which reflect the above policies, are presented and communicated to all employees.

2. Initiatives

Employee Engagement

  • We conduct a company-wide engagement survey at least twice a year.
    • We have continuously monitored performance since 2019. We take measures to address the issues we identify through that monitoring on a company-wide basis.
    • The Board of Directors discusses the results of the survey at its meetings. It defines all the issues for each group at the smallest organizational level and then takes measures to improve those issues as an action plan. The Director in Charge of Human Resources is the person responsible for progress on the issues we have identified in the company. The Board of Directors provides oversight. The results of the survey showed that many of our employees want an improvement in the facilities (break room size and fixtures, etc.) in each call center and a faster system network. We are working on those issues in FY2023.
    • Our group has introduced a performance-linked stock compensation plan for our officers (Directors and Corporate Officers). We have adopted the degree of achievement in improving the score of our employee engagement survey as a non-financial metric in that plan. The stock compensation we grant to our officers varies depending on the final degree of achievement which reflects the relative weight of the company-wide score and the score of the division under their responsibility. The Remuneration Committee confirms and determines the target values and performance of each officer.
    • We have changed the survey method from FY2024.
    • Our most recent score in the Second survey in 2024 was 58.2
    • The survey shows that our strengths include ease of work in relation to holidays and working hours and our ability to respond to customers in relation to business.
      Trends in Engagement Survey
      System of the survey*1 2023
      Rating System*2 BB BB - -
      Scoring System*3 - - 58.1 58.2
      • *1:We have changed the scoring method from FY2024 for the engagement survey results.
      • *2:We determine the overall rating based on the results of the survey.
      • *3:We calculate the overall score by selecting the questions most relevant to our business.

Promotion of Workstyle Reform

  • Management of working hours:
    • We have introduced a fully flexible work system with no core time. At the same time, we are striving to eliminate overtime. We classify and manage overtime as follows: over 80 hours in a single month, over 60 hours on average and over 45 hours on average. The Board of Directors receives a report on the overtime situation monthly and takes measures if necessary.
    • We have introduced an attendance/absence management system on a company-wide basis. We have been performing efficient work management also utilizing tools in recent years when the number of our employees telecommuting has been increasing.

Support for Work-Life Balance

  • System to support a balance of work and childcare and nursing care:
    • We have acquired Platinum Kurumin authorization from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. We satisfy high standards when it comes to improving the ratio of men taking up childcare leave, reducing overtime and promoting the take-up of annual paid leave.
    • Platinum Kurumin
    • We will also continue in the future to promote an expansion in the take-up of childcare leave in accordance with the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act revised in April 2022.
    • In addition, we have established the following systems to support employees with childcare (these systems all apply to raising children who have yet to enter elementary school).
      • Shortened working hours for childcare: it is possible to shorten the number of prescribed working hours per day to six
      • Limitation on overtime work: it is possible to request a limit on overtime work to a maximum of 24 hours a month and 150 hours a year
      • Exemption from work beyond the prescribed hours: it is possible to request an exemption from work beyond the prescribed hours
      • Limitation on late-night work: it is possible to request a limit on late-night work from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
      • Nursing care leave for children: it is possible to take up leave to provide nursing care to children up to five days a year
  • Re-employment system:
    • We often re-employ people multiple times regardless of the reason. Although we need to consider the legal timing of contracts, we have no internal institutional or corporate culture barriers to re-employing people.
  • Take-up of childcare and nursing care leave:
    FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
    Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
    Childcare Number of employees taking up childcare leave 22 20 42 28 34 62 27 33 60
    Childcare leave take-up rate (%) 52.4 95.2 71.8 100 60 100
    Rate of return to work after childcare leave (%) 100 98.2 98.4
    Nursing care Number of employees taking up nursing care leave 0 2 2
    *SGS Japan Inc. has conducted a third-party verification on the results data marked with a .
    • * This rate is disclosed on a consolidated basis excluding BELLSYSTEM24 Vietnam.
    • * The average rate of male parental leave uptake is 53.1% (according to the "The 2024 CSR Kigyo Soran (Directory of CSR Corporations) (Ranking and Aggregation)"), and our company has a higher tendency of uptake compared to the average.

    Number and Utilization Rate Trends of Childcare Leave

    Number and Utilization Rate Trends of Childcare Leave
  • BellSystem24 Group Employee Shareholding Association
    • Our group has introduced an employee stock purchase plan (ESPP). The purposes of this plan are to support our employees in forming assets and to raise their awareness of our corporate earnings.
    Situation Concerning Our Group Employee Shareholding Association
    EY2022 EY2023
    Number of participants 505 503
    Participation ratio (%) 21.9 21.4
    * The numerical figures are as of the end of each fiscal year.

Employee Welfare

  • Establishment of workplace nurseries:
    We have established Bell Kids nurseries for the children of our employees in three of our contact centers in Okinawa, Sapporo and Fukuoka to support childcare by employees.
    Bell Kids
  • We provide a system which allows the use of various services and facilities as Benefit Station (partnership with Benefit One).
    Benefit Station
  • We provide special discounts to employees as a sponsor of KidZania Tokyo where we opened a call center pavilion in 2016.
    KidZania Tokyo KidZania Tokyo
    KidZania Tokyo
  • We have introduced Prepay Pocket. This is an advance salary payment system to support cases of sudden expenses.
  • We participate in the ITOCHU Family Fair sponsored by our shareholder ITOCHU Corporation. The program provides employees with support to purchase goods and services at economical prices.
    Itochu Family Fair

3. Data

Number of Employees(Non-consolidated and Consolidated)
FY2022 FY2023
Men Women Total Men Women Total
Non-consolidated Full-time employees 140 68 208 147 71 218
Indefinite-term employees 12 21 33 12 21 33
Grand Total 152 89 241 159 92 251
Fixed-term Contract Employees 19 15
Consolidated Full-time employees 1,485 1,133 2,618 1,608 1,357 2,965
Indefinite-term employees 1,428 6,867 8,295 1,605 7,084 8,689
Grand Total 2,913 8,000 10,913 3,213 8,441 11,654
Fixed-term Contract Employees 21,209 23,076
  • * The total indicates the number of full-time employees and indefinite-term employees.
  • * The number of fixed-term contract employees indicates the average number of people a year.
Number of Employees by Region (Non-consolidated)
FY2022 FY2023
Men Women Total Men Women Total
Japan Full-time employees 140 68 208 147 71 218
Indefinite-term employees 12 21 33 12 21 33
Grand Total 152 89 241 159 92 251
Fixed-term Contract Employees 19 15
Overseas Full-time employees 0 0 0 0 0 0
Indefinite-term employees 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fixed-term Contract Employees 0 0
  • * The total indicates the number of full-time employees and indefinite-term employees.
  • * The number of fixed-term contract employees indicates the average number of people a year.
Number of Employees by Country (Consolidated)
FY2022 FY2023
Men Women Total Men Women Total
Japan Full-time employees 1,459 1,081 2,540 1,492 1,174 2,666
Indefinite-term employees 1,428 6,867 8,295 1,517 6,827 8,344
Grand Total 2,887 7,948 10,835 3,009 8,001 11,010
Fixed-term Contract Employees 21,209 20,059
Taiwan Full-time employees 26 52 78 17 29 46
Indefinite-term employees 0 0 0 6 16 22
Grand Total 26 52 78 23 45 68
Fixed-term Contract Employees 0 0
Vietnam Full-time employees - - - 99 154 253
Indefinite-term employees - - - 82 241 323
Grand Total - - - 181 395 576
Fixed-term Contract Employees - 3,017
  • * The total indicates the number of full-time employees and indefinite-term employees.
  • * The number of fixed-term contract employees indicates the average number of people a year.
  • * Vietnam refers to the number of employees in BELLSYSTEM24 Vietnam which was turned into a subsidiary from FY2023
Number of Hires by Gender and Adoption Rate for Mid-Career
Number of Hires by Gender Adoption Rate for Mid-Career(%)
New-Graduates Mid-Career Total
Men Women Total Men Women Total
FY2023 16 27 43 60 50 110 153 71.9
FY2022 17 24 41 138 112 250 291 85.9
FY2021 10 21 31 120 108 228 259 88.0
* Applies to full-time employees of BELLSYSTEM24 Holdings, Inc. and BELLSYSTEM24, Inc.
* Includes promotion from contract employee to full-time employee.
Number of Layoffs
FY2023 0
FY2022 0
FY2021 0
*For full-time employees
Number of Labor Standards Act Violations and Our Response
Number of Violations Our Response
FY2023 1 Issues have been addressed and reported to the Labor Standards Supervision Office in writing.
FY2022 2 Issues have been addressed and reported to the Labor Standards Supervision Office in writing (2 cases).
FY2021 0 -
FY2020 0 -
FY2019 0 -
Avg. Years Employed and Voluntary Resignation Rate
Avg. Years Employed Voluntary Resignation Rate (%)
Men Women Total Men Women Total
FY2023 12.2 8.8 10.6 8.3 10.5 9.3
FY2022 10.1 7.9 9.2 7.0 8.2 7.5
FY2021 10.2 7.6 9.2 4.2 7.0 5.3
  • * Applies to consolidated full-time employees. The turnover rate is calculated as: voluntary resignations ÷ employees at the end of each fiscal year.
  • * The average turnover rate in the call center industry is about 30% (according to "Call Center White Paper 2022").Our turnover rate slightly increased last year, but is still below industry average.
  • * In FY2023, we changed the aggregation method to calculate the number of years employed for employees promoted to full-time employees from the time at which they joined the company as contract employees.