
HOME News FEED ONE, one of the largest companies in the Japanese feed ...
2024.10.11 BELLSYSTEM24

FEED ONE, one of the largest companies in the Japanese feed industry, becomes a sales partner for BUJIDAS, Japan's first cattle lameness prevention AI service

FEED ONE CO., LTD. (Head Office: Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa; President and Representative Director: Hidehiro Shoji; hereinafter "FEED ONE") will begin activities as a sales partner for BUJIDAS*1 (hereinafter, the "service"), an AI service to prevent cattle lameness*2, provided by NTT TechnoCross Corporation (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Atsuko Oka; hereinafter "NTT TechnoCross") and BELLSYSTEM24, Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President, CEO: Hiroshi Kajiwara; hereinafter "BELLSYSTEM24"), as a joint service to solve issues in the livestock industry. With this partnership, FEED ONE will become the first company in the Japanese feed industry to offer the service. With the participation of FEED ONE, a leading company in the feed industry, NTT TechnoCross and BELLSYSTEM24 aim to further expand the use of BUJIDAS.

FEED ONE will act as an intermediary, offering the service to its network of feedlot cattle producers, while NTT TechnoCross will be responsible for developing solutions and BELLSYSTEM24 will handle customer support. This will accelerate the spread of the service and contribute to solving issues faced by feedlot cattle producers and expanding domestic beef production.



The service is the first contactless service in Japan (patent pending) for feedlot cattle producers who manage beef cattle, in which AI cameras monitor barns in place of human staff to prevent lameness, which is a major cause of cattle deaths just before shipment. When the AI determines that a cow has adopted a dangerous posture, a warning sound is emitted from the camera to make the cow change its posture and prevent lameness*3. NTT TechnoCross and BELLSYSTEM24 began offering the service as a joint service in April 2024, making it possible for producers to reduce the cost of cattle loss due to lameness, as well as reducing the burden of barn patrols and the cost of patrol staff.

Service URL:


Software as a Service (SaaS) provided and contracted by NTT TechnoCross. Trademarks and patents pending.

*2 Lameness

Abnormally produced gas in a cow's body presses on the diaphragm, making it difficult for it to breathe or stand up.


This service does not guarantee 100% prevention of lameness

1. Background to the joint effort

Japan's food self-sufficiency rate in 2023 was 38%*4, which is said to be the lowest among developed countries. Measures to prevent food crises caused by various environmental changes have become a pressing issue. Against this backdrop, Feed One, a leading company in the feed industry with an infrastructure business that supports the stable supply of domestic livestock and marine products, is working to improve productivity in the livestock and fisheries industries through digital transformation (DX). On this occasion, FEED ONE identified with the approach of BUJIDAS--provided by NTT TechnoCross and BELLSYSTEM24--in solving social issues, and entered into this collaborative partnership to participate in efforts to contribute to ensuring sustainable business continuity and improving the productivity of producers.

*4 Source

Food Self-sufficiency Rates in Japan and Other Countries (Calorie Basis), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

2. Each company's role

  • FEED ONE: Responsible for contract agency services (including provision of information and intermediary duties) for providing the service to feedlot cattle producers.
  • NTT TechnoCross: Responsible for developing and maintaining AI to prevent cattle lameness and providing the service to customers.
  • BELLSYSTEM24: Responsible for the installation and operation of the service. Also responsible for monitoring operations 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and responding to inquiries from users after the start of operation, in addition to administrative support when users sign up for a new contract.

3. Future outlook

Since the launch of BUJIDAS in April 2024, the partners aim to achieve the goal of providing the system for 50,000 animals in five years, and achieving annual sales of one billion yen. The partners seek to strengthen sales through FEED ONE's activities as a sales partner, with the aim of accelerating the achievement of these goals. Going forward, each company will drive DX in livestock breeding through the combination of their knowledge and technologies, and make continuous efforts to solve problems and improve operational efficiency in a wide range of livestock areas.


Corporate website:

FEED ONE is a leading company in the domestic feed industry, whose main business is the manufacture and sale of compound feed for cattle, pigs, chickens, and farmed fish. Utilizing its unique know-how and network as a feed manufacturer, FEED ONE provides total coordination of a series of supply chains from production to table.

About NTT TechnoCross

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A software development company that continues to co-create the future with its customers by combining world-class cutting-edge technologies and services centering on technologies from NTT Laboratories. NTT TechnoCross focuses on real issues in collaboration with its customers and provides total support that ranges from consulting to design, system development, operation, and maintenance.


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In 1982, BELLSYSTEM24 launched its first full-fledged call center service in Japan. Since then, we have developed a wide range of outsourcing businesses centered on contact centers that serve as points of contact between businesses and consumers, creating an industry-standard model. Based on the operational expertise we have cultivated by combining the strengths of "people" and "technology," we will realize our "sustain the prosperity of society, through innovation and communication," which is our purpose, by developing and providing various solutions.

Names of companies and products described in this article are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Media contact

Public Relations Office, BELLSYSTEM24 HOLDINGS, INC.
E-mail: / TEL: 03-6896-6199

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