TSUNAGU Community Analytics Co., Inc. (Head Office: Nagoya-shi, Aichi; Represntative Director: Osamu Kuribayashi, ; hereinafter, "TCA") will join the GenAI Co-Creation Lab*, which is a project of BELLSYSTEM24, Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President, CEO: Hiroshi Kajiwara, hereinafter, "BELLSYSTEM24"), with the two companies developing and launching a joint service for "passing on know-how" using generative AI, applying it to contact centers (hereinafter, the "service"). The service consists of a series of business flow systems that create a database of the personal know-how accumulated by veteran staff in contact centers and past response history. When a problem occurs in the work of a new person in charge or similar situations, generative AI takes the place of the veteran in identifying the cause and suggesting a solution. From assessments and trial operations to business implementation, we can provide the service tailored to the needs of each company. The service was realized by combining TCA's generative AI utilization know-how, reflecting successful DX work in the Chubu Electric Power Group, with BELLSYSTEM24's diverse track record in contact center work.
This is a generative AI utilization program launched by BELLSYSTEM24 in June 2024 with the participation of user companies. The aim is to build hybrid contact centers of "generative AI" and "humans." Details are available at: https://gai.bell24.co.jp/en/
While it is necessary for companies to pass on know-how from veterans and train new employees in order to grow their businesses, it is sometimes difficult to devote time to passing on veterans' know-how possessed, for example due to the recent decline in the working population, causing a decline in productivity and competitiveness. In the past when passing on know-how, the burden on veterans was heavy because they had to verbalize their own know-how while performing their duties and pass it on to their juniors over time. Through the collaboration between BELLSYSTEM24 and partner companies, the GenAI Co-Creation Lab. generates ideas for utilizing generative AI and promotes initiatives to match them with corporate issues. Now, seeking to help companies that face issues with "passing on know-how," we combine TCA's generative AI utilization know-how, reflecting successful DX work in the Chubu Electric Power Group, with the strengths and knowledge of BELLSYSTEM24, with a diverse track record in contact center work, to launch this service following demonstration at the support desk of BellCloud+®, a cloud-based contact center infrastructure system developed and provided by BELLSYSTEM24.
This service is a problem-solving solution that utilizes generative AI to help companies that have issues with passing on the know-how of their veterans. The service is structured as three steps according to the needs and issues of each company: "assessment of held data," "trial introduction of generative AI," and "implementation in actual business." BELLSYSTEM24 and TCA's professional group for CX/DX consulting and data utilization accompanies every step of the process to the introduction of the system into the company's actual business. To begin with, in preparing learning data for the generative AI, we visualize the quality and quantity of data held by the company as well as provide methods to convert the veterans' non-verbal know-how based on experience and intuition and other know-how that supports work efficiency and problem solving. After that, in addition to designing business flows and building systems centered on generative AI, we also create a system to continuously accumulate know-how.
[The service structured as three steps]
We plan to introduce this service at about 10 companies by FY2025. Going forward, the GenAI Co-Creation Lab. will continue to serve as a hub to connect technologies with issues to be solved, producing advanced examples of generative AI utilization.
Corporate website: https://www.bell24.co.jp/en/
In 1982, BELLSYSTEM24 launched its first full-fledged call center service in Japan. Since then, we have developed a wide range of outsourcing businesses centered on contact centers that serve as points of contact between businesses and consumers, creating an industry-standard model. Based on the operational expertise we have cultivated by combining the strengths of "people" and "technology," we will realize our "sustain the prosperity of society, through innovation and communication," which is our purpose, by developing and providing various solutions.
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