In February 2018, BellSystem24 commenced internships through a partnership with the Vietnam-Japan Institute of Technology in Vietnam and the...
Pocke Inc., a BellSystem24 group company, received the Good Work-life Balance Award, a special prize awarded at the 4th White Company Way Aw...
Shimane University provides the Job Hunting and Careers for Students general education course to teach students about careers. BellSystem24 ...
Combining TOPPAN PRINTING's media creation and back-office business with BELLSYSTEM24's contact center business, striving for more expanded ...
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The only domestic outsourcer with the international HDI Support Center Certification (SCC), providing high-quality service desk operations b...
Business alliance to support multinational company needs for entering for both Japanese and Korean markets BELLSYSTEM24, Inc. (Headquarters:...
Using Salesforce Service Cloud with an integrated CRM and AI knowledge management platform Up to 300 employees to be certified with Salesfor...
Responding to increasing overseas e-commerce and inbound needs BELLSYSTEM24, Inc. (Representative Director, President, CEO: Tsuge Ichiro; He...
BellSystem24 will provide Benefit Station to approximately 25,000 contract employees who work at its 31 centers around the country, with con...
BELLSYSTEM24, Inc. (Representative Director, President, CEO: Tsuge Ichiro; Headquarters: Chuo Ward, Tokyo; Referred to below as "BELLSYSTEM2...
BellSystem24 began working on work-style reforms with the purpose of creating workplaces where all employees can continue to do their job fo...
As the first part of a new HR system to deliver more diverse work-styles BELLSYSTEM24, Inc (Representative Director, President, CEO: Tsuge I...
Promotes contact center service utilizing AI for companies in Vietnam and Japan BELLSYSTEM24,Inc.(Representative Director, President, CEO:Ic...
From push-based operation with voice guidance to conversation-based service BELLSYSTEM24, Inc. (Representative Director, President, CEO: Ich...
BellSystem24 will participate in Telework Day, a workstyle reform campaign being promoted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communicat...
16,200 booths, the largest number of self-owned booths in the country, with 5,600 booths in Hokkaido alone BELLSYSTEM24, Inc (Representative...
CTC First Contact to be made into a joint subsidiary BELLSYSTEM24 Holdings, Inc (Representative Director, President, CEO: Tsuge Ichiro; Head...
Supporting system configuration work for invoicing by company division, user registration, and more ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation (HQ:...