BELLSYSTEM24, Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President, CEO: Hiroshi Kajiwara; hereinafter "BELLSYSTEM24")--which has a track record of 40 years in business process design and operation in call center operations and business process outsourcing (BPO) for a wide range of industries--and its subsidiary (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Yoshiyuki Fujinawa; hereinafter "THINKER")--which specializes in data marketing--conducted a demonstration experiment of a next-generation generative AI-based analysis tool for word-of-mouth information (hereinafter, the "tool"). The demonstration was conducted in collaboration with istyle, Inc. (hereinafter, "istyle"), operator of @cosme, Japan's largest comprehensive cosmetics and beauty website. As a result of the demonstration, BELLSYSTEM24, THINKER and istyle were able to verify that the tool can not only provide speedy and concise analysis by generative AI, but may also present new suggestions encompassing data that does not depend on human subjectivity. As a result, they will continue to support product development for the transition to an official service, with the aim of launching in 2025.
istyle has one of the largest beauty-specific word-of-mouth data sets in Japan, with over 20 million reviews collected on the @cosme site. As a new measure for its medium-term business plan, istyle aims to provide more comprehensive marketing support services--including product development and other processes--in its existing marketing support business for cosmetics brands. While on one hand istyle is able to provide useful information to consumers by aggregating various word-of-mouth data from cosmetics buyers on the @cosme site, the company has also been considering whether having the ability to use generative AI to make speedy new suggestions encompassing data that is not dependent on human subjectivity will enable more effective use of word-of-mouth data, such as in marketing activities for cosmetics brands. Meanwhile, BELLSYSTEM24 and THINKER have been developing services and training human resources in the field of data marketing to utilize the 500 million VOCs (voices of customers) and CRM data acquired by BELLSYSTEM24 each year.
By combining BELLSYSTEM24's VOC utilization know-how and business process knowledge gained through the operation of @cosme's contact centers with THINKER's know-how and skills in data marketing and AI-related product development, the two companies believe they can quantify the vast amount of word-of-mouth data held by istyle. Accordingly, the two companies made the decision to work as joint partners with istyle and conduct a demonstration experiment of a next-generation word-of-mouth analysis tool, which utilizes generative AI technology to convert word-of-mouth data from @cosme into useful information that can be utilized by cosmetics brands.
Based on the outcomes of this demonstration, BELLSYSTEM24 and THINKER will support the development of products for official service development together with istyle. Moreover, by applying the generative AI technology achieved in this verification to convert massive amounts of text data into quantitative information, BELLSYSTEM24 and THINKER will encourage the use of VOC data accumulated at contact centers, and actively promote its application not only in the cosmetics industry but also other industries.
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In 1982, BELLSYSTEM24 launched its first full-fledged call center service in Japan. Since then, we have developed a wide range of outsourcing businesses centered on contact centers that serve as points of contact between businesses and consumers, creating an industry-standard model. Based on the operational expertise we have cultivated by combining the strengths of "people" and "technology," we will realize our "sustain the prosperity of society, through innovation and communication," which is our purpose, by developing and providing various solutions.
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Since its founding in 2017, THINKER has been supporting data marketing and the development of AI solutions and products for a range of client companies, with the mission of achieving business growth for client companies by expanding their numbers of loyal customers. In addition to formulating strategies and adopting measures to expand loyal customer bases, THINKER's other strengths are in building AI prediction models using machine learning, and in-house development of analysis tools using AI. THINKER will continue making effective use of the power of marketing and technology to create rich customer experiences.
Names of companies and products described in this article are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
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