We clearly state we will engage in fair, transparent, freely competitive and appropriate transactions and relationships with politicians and authorities in the BellSystem24 Group Code of Conduct. We have also declared we will implement such transactions and relationships. Japan and other countries around the world have been tightening anti-bribery and anti-corruption regulations (Unfair Competition Prevention Act in Japan, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the U.S. and Bribery Act in the U.K., etc.) in recent years. Against this backdrop, we have enacted this policy to comply with anti-bribery laws/ordinances in the countries and regions where we engage in business and to promote transparent and honest behavior. We are striving to prevent bribery and corruption through the code of behavior we have stipulated in this policy, throughout the company-wide supply chain, including all suppliers.
(Scope of Application)This policy applies to all the officers and employees including contractors and temporary employees in our group. (Our group refers to BellSystem24 Holdings, Inc. and subsidiaries.)